
Safety Protocols

Our Products Meet or Exceed Environmental Standards.

While on everyone’s mind, we would like to take this time to point out that we are following the CDC guidelines. We are taking safety measures to prevent and spreading of the coronavirus.

In addition to our regular disinfecting and sanitation routines, we have trained staff to the CDC standards. and provide  its cleaners with personal protective equipment  (PPE) such as mask, gloves, booties.
Here are the steps our cleaning technicians  are following when entering & cleaning your home
  1. We are washing our hands upon entering & exiting every home, store, & office.
  2. We are using EPA-register hospital-grade disinfectant and following the dwell times on surfaces and frequently touched areas.
  3. Our staff has always been instructed to wear gloves in client’s homes and to use a new pair when switching rooms.
  4. We are using steam & heat techniques to keep our equipment clean. We are wiping all equipment between all homes and business at the end of the day.
  5. Take their temperature
  6. As always, we are not allowing our staff who show any contagious symptoms to enter the office or client’s homes. If exposed to COVID-19 , This is something we always feel strongly about and especially now. We offer services to the elderly community & to homes with young children which we do not take for granted. We encourage our clients to cancel appointments whenever they are not feeling well–no cancellation fee is applied during these times unless it is excessive.
We likewise ask that you take steps in order to keep our cleaners safe.
Prior to your clean, please determine whether in the past 14 days, you or your household members have:
  • Experienced COVID-19 symptoms
  • Tested positive for COVID-19
  • Had close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases

Health and Environmental Information

Our Products Meet or Exceed Environmental Standards.
Our green cleaning products meet Environmental standard based on their reduced health risks and smog production potential, These products meet several important criteria such as:
  • Non toxic
  • No carcinogens
  • No reproductive toxins
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Formulated and packaged for reduced environmental impact, containers are refillable & recyclable.
Micro Fiber cleaning cloths. Micro fiber is a polyester/nylon blend. The fibers trap all the dust and dirt that bonds to the micro fiber material and is not released until the cloth is washed in hot water. We use them color coded to prevent cross-contamination. They are proven to remove dirt and dust from surfaces and not simply push it around as traditional rags do.

Vacuums. Our vacuums are certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Program to thoroughly clean the floor, not damage your carpet and protect indoor air quality. Our vacuums have a powerful filtration system that captures 99.7% of particulate matter including bacteria, mold, dust, dust mites, and dirt. We hope you will agree with us that using green cleaning products it is   important for your health and the environment.